Tibetan Buddhist nun Pema Chodron offers short, stand-alone readings designed to help readers cultivate compassion and awareness amid the challenges of daily living.
Also provides insights into how to meditate. This booklet contains revised and expanded versions of the material on spiritual direction and meditation which appeared, in installments, in the magazine 'Sponsa Regis'.
This book provides an excellent introduction to the essence of Hindu Tantrism, discussing all the major concepts and correcting many existing misconceptions.
Francisco de Osuna (c. 1492-c. 1540) Spanish Franciscan and mystic, wrote a series of maxims as a practical guide for recollection. These were arranged into a series of Spiritual Alphabets, this being the third.
In this inspiring book, Sharon Salzberg, one of America's leading spiritual teachers, shows us how the Buddhist path of lovingkindness ( metta in Pali), can help us discover the radiant, joyful heart within each of us.
Melchizedek, a widely known and beloved spiritual teacher, shares his experiences of living in the sacred space within the heart. The author explains the processes and techniques he uses to enter this space and the profound joy it offers.
This new book focuses on Buddhist techniques and practices we can use to cut through the busyness and anxieties of daily life and discover the simple happiness of living in the present moment.