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Written by the leading experts in the field, this book examines the evolutionary advantages of gender dimorphism and sexual dimorphism in flowering plants.
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This book provides convincing reasons which explain sex differences. The book also shows that, even if considered that some living things do not have sex differences, in reality they do.
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Throughout the volume the emphasis is on sexual dimorphism in overall size; however, the scope of enquiry encompasses gender differences in body shape, the size and structure of secondary sexual characteristics, patterns of growth ...
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This book is a valuable source for clinical researchers, clinicians, and people in the biomedical field who want to understand the mechanisms of a very important biological factor in disease: sex.
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Excerpt from Sexual Dimorphism in the Animal Kingdom: A Theory of the Evolution of Secondary Sexual It must be admitted that my discussion of Sexual Dimorphism in this work is incomplete, and this in two senses.
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About the Book Books about Evolution discuss the history of, and principal hypotheses of the theory that posits that distinct features of biological populations will evolve through genes over generations depending on environmental ...