An enchanting first novel, this is a story about finding your own holy grail in life as well as learning how to make art out of wounds. The book comes with its own playlist/soundtrack.
Emilio F. Ruiz, historiador, marinero, arqueólogo y experto en el pensamiento español del siglo XX, soriano, cumple una vez más con la línea de investigación que le sugirió su maestro y amigo Julián Marías a principios de los años ...
Slovenska popevka e gli anni d’oro della canzone slovena (Slovenska popevka in zlata leta Slovenske zabavne glasbe) racconta, per la prima volta, la storia del principale festival musicale sloveno.
Set just after the English Civil War, the novel is inspired by the legend of the Good Devil of Woodstock, which in 1649 supposedly tormented parliamentary commissioners who had taken possession of a royal residence at Oxfordshire.
During the three days of the music festival known as Woodstock, Michael Michaelson of Somerville, Massachusetts, and Cora Fletcher, a volunteer in the medical tent who lives nearby, share incredible experiences, the greatest of which is ...
"Cincinnati, Ohio, might have seemed like an unlikely choice to host the nation's largest annual R&B concert, but thanks to local promoter Dino Santangelo, the Ohio Valley Jazz Festival would become the 'Granddaddy of them all.