In this book, Rex D. Butler examines the Passion for evidence of Montanism and proposes that its three authors--Perpetua, Saturus, and the unnamed editor--were Montanists.
In doing this, the volume at the same time illustrates the sheer importance of martyrdom and the reflection and writing about it throughout the history of Christianity until today.
Christian Martyrs under Islam examines how violence against Christians ended the age of porous religious boundaries and laid the foundations for more antagonistic Muslim-Christian relations in the centuries to come.
This intriguing text is edited and translated before a team of distinguished scholars examine it from a wide range of perspectives: literary, narratological, historical, religious, psychological, and philosophical.
English summary: Am Ubergang vom Urchristentum zur Alten Kirche lautet das Martyrium Polykarps die neue literarische Gattung des Martyrerberichts ein, die fortan vielfaltig beerbt wird.
Seit ihrer Seligsprechung 1987 und Heiligsprechung 1998 ist Edith Stein vielen bekannt: deutsche Philosophin, katholische Nonne jüdischer Herkunft und Märtyrerin.
As a spiritual autobiography, historical document and carefully crafted polemic, Askew's narrative of her imprisonment for heresy and her interrogation by officials of church and state gives insight into Reformation politics and society in ...