The story opens in London, where Prince Volonna, who has been exiled for conspiracy against the Italian government, lives a life of charity under an assumed name, being known as Dr. Roselli.
A quarter of a century ago, Abraham Epworth Rounds, aged forty-five, came shambling out of mountainous Eastern Tennessee to one of our Kentucky cities.
The young woman Hildegarde and her mother move, after her father's death, from New York City to a house in the country where her kindness and concern enrich the lives of neighbors and relatives.
"A charming story of the successful efforts of two children to help pay off the debt on a church of which their father is the pastor"--Publisher's advertisement.
Disaster befalls the malicious family of the Nabob, while the worthy farmer's family are liberally rewarded, thus illustrating the maxim "virtue is more estimable than wealth."
An example of late 19th century Catholic fiction; this novel tells of the trials and triumphs of a French girl, Fleurange d'Yves, who, raised as an orphan in a convent, leaves to mingle with the nobility of France and Germany and falls in ...