Introduces teens to Catholic beliefs, art, culture, and history as expressed in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, discussing Church teachings on social issues of today and providing ideas for putting faith into action.
Cardinal Christoph SchOnborn, the editor of the monumental Catechism of the Catholic Church, a worldwide best seller, provides a brief and profound commentary on the second part of the Catechism, the sacraments.
El obispo Fernando Sebastián ha predicado diversas catequesis sobre los sacramentos de la iniciación cristiana: el bautismo sobre todo, y también la confirmación y la eucaristía.
The sole priest at the Church of San Domenico tries to teach jaded children catechism using puppets, but he doesn't know that after dark the puppets emerge from their box
It is really a very wide expansion of the original text, which followed the Constitutions of Archbishop Peckham (Lambeth canons IX-XIII) The Wycliffite version is probably by Wycliffe himself. cf. Introd.
The four parts are in question-and-answer format : I. Introduction; the Creed. -- II. Hope; prayer; the Lord's prayer; the Hail, Mary. -- III. Charity; the Ten Commandments. -- IV. the Sacraments.
A facsimile reprint of the 1930 edition, containing the often quoted questions and answers regarding the change of the solemnity of the seventh-day Sabbath to Sunday.