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interpreted from
... Interpreted" competition. The touring exhibit portrays objects of nature in media ranging from batik to oil and acrylics, pastels, watercolors, etchings, egg tempera, engravings, air brush and pencil and ink drawings. In the three-year ...
interpreted from
... interpret everything that needed interpretation for everybody that wanted anything interpreted. It was to interpret international law, and all treaties. It was to interpret the Monroe Doctrine ior for the me United united states States ...
interpreted from
... interpreted the bid dill'erently from what it appeared at first reading. That portion of the bid read as follows: "We offer a premium of 1555." There were no decima points or dollar signs and it was a little puzzling. At first it ...
interpreted from
... interpreted interpreted by by by. tlement tlement is is the the clear clear result result of of as as a a interpreted interpreted interpreted by by by. Devin said the proposed raeas- favorable vote to ~pen£t TM form of gambUng g ...
interpreted from
... Interpreted as rendering it unlawful ( to manufacture, Import, transport, sell or deliver alcoholic liquors Tor scientific, mechanical, medicinal or sacramental .purposes, provided, however, that on and after Jan. 1st, 1918, such ...
interpreted from
... Interpreted by tho brllllnnt new ular, JCnthnrlno Hep who heads tho cant of twenty principals. other Little Womon, Meg and Beth, nro Interpreted by Francos r>oc, Joan Bennett and Parker, respectively. the delightful, lovable charof the ...
interpreted from
... Interpreted as embargoing the export of some grades of gasoline and oils which, while not of hl(?h octane rating by American1 standards, have proved useable in planes, sometimes with the addition of other ingredients.) 3. Place all ...
interpreted from
... interpreted as forbidding a statement about the curative property of drugs the act Is unconstitutional. Such ... interpreted to forbid such statements. Ilo denies that the law so Interpreted would reach any physician in the ...
interpreted from
... interpreted new prepared food tax meant to create an equal bur- don for restaurants that serve alcohol and those that don't, Grant's goodies will go from zero tax to 7 percent. And of course there are a few exceptions. Buy a cookie. The ...
interpreted from
... interpreted a s song, entitled- "Lycidas," toy Gizi Szanto. zanto. with the writer acting as accompanist. ccompanist. The first movement of a sonata in G sharp minor b; Edward ard Bredshall was played toy the composer. omposer. The work ...