The over 30,000 Masons of Kentucky welcome you to the Grand Lodge of Kentucky Free and Accepted Masons site. Although Masonry has been in Kentucky over 200 ...
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The Grand Lodge of Kentucky is one of two state organizations that supervise Masonic lodges in the state of Kentucky. It was established in 1800.
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(3) The first Kentucky bound book of Masonry laws has this title: “Masonic. Constitutions, or Illustrations of Masonry; compiled by the direction of the Grand.
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Freemasonry has been a supporting cornerstone of religious and charitable beliefs and will continue doing so with the support of good people like our members.
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We welcome you to contact us about the “Oldest Fraternity in the World”! Men of Principle! If you have a question or questions, please fill out the Contact ...
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Total listed Kentucky philanthropy $41,225,372 Not included are the various local expenditures by Lodges e.g. scholarships, teacher/student recognition, diaper ...
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The Masons of Kentucky established State Sovereignty in 1875. The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Kentucky has prospered from its humble beginnings.
25 being the oldest lodge in Kentucky, it then became known as Lexington Lodge No. 1 upon the rolls of the newly organized Grand Lodge of the state. The other ...
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Grand Council of Kentucky Royal and Select Masters, Established - December 10, 1827, Welcome from Most Illustrious Grand Master.
Prior to the 2020 Triennial, there had been only three members of Kentucky Freemasonry to have been awarded the General. Grand Chapter Meritorious Service Gold ...
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