The over 30,000 Masons of Kentucky welcome you to the Grand Lodge of Kentucky Free and Accepted Masons site. Although Masonry has been in Kentucky over 200 ...
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Freemasonry has been a supporting cornerstone of religious and charitable beliefs and will continue doing so with the support of good people like our members.
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The Grand Lodge of Kentucky is one of two state organizations that supervise Masonic lodges in the state of Kentucky. It was established in 1800.
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Kentucky Lodge List · Kentucky Lodge Locator · Kentucky Meeting Finder · Masonic Home Journal · Contact Us ...
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Becoming a member of a Masonic Lodge is fairly simple, but there are some requirements that must be met.
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With four Masonic bodies and the Grand Lodge of Kentucky meeting in Lexington, the stronghold of Freemasonry in the western country, it was decided in 1824 to ...
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Today, Grand Master Ernest C. Jackson presides over the Grand Lodge of Kentucky comprised of more than 350 Lodges with a membership of more than 35,000 brothers ...
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Freemasonry in Kentucky preceded this date with the Grand Lodge of Virginia forming Lexington LodgeNo. 25, chartered November 17, 1788 and Paris Lodge No. 35.
Kentucky's Masonic Directory Resource. View lodges by district by clicking the appropriate district on the map.
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