... Nott , Eliphalet , an American educator ; born in Ashford , Conn . , June 25 ... Institute . An arbore- ( 1865 ) received academic prizes . tum covering 18 ... in author ; born in Lancaster , Mass . , April 9 , 1645 , and at the ...
Within a few years after the Louisiana Purchase, white settlers arrived to set up homesteads.This book briefly describes how this valley formed over millions of years, how Native tribes lived and hunted, and what the first white men saw ...
The goal of this volume is to discuss and analyze various contours of violence as it is made manifest around the world. This foundational collection of essays, stories, and poems represent a wide variety of disciplines and perspectives.
Shea offers a gripping narrative of the events surrounding Prairie Grove, Arkansas, one of the great unsung battles of the Civil War that effectively ended Confederate offensive operations west of the Mississippi River.
In many cases, these documents address aspects of the war that would become objects of scholarly and popular fascination only years after their initial appearance: the guerrilla conflict that became the "real war" west of the Mississippi; ...
This is the fascinating story of the Dutch community at Schenectady, a village that grew out of the wilderness along the northern frontier of New Netherland in the 1660s.