Eliphalet Nott (June 25, 1773 – January 25, 1866), was a famed Presbyterian minister, inventor, educational pioneer, and long-term president of Union ...
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Term: 1804-1866. Academic credentials: Self-educated. It has been said that Eliphalet Nott was a giant in his time. Quite aside from serving as the ...
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Eliphalet Nott was born on June 25, 1773 and became a famed Presbyterian minister, inventor, and educational pioneer. The third president of Rensselaer, ...
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Eliphalet Nott was born on June 25, 1773 on a farm in Ashford, Connecticut. At the age of 21, he received an MA degree from Rhode Island College (later Brown ...
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Mar 20, 2020 · Eliphalet was born June 25, 1773 to Deborah (Selden) and Stephen Nott in a cottage in East Haddam, Connecticut.
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A Presbyterian minister and inventor, Nott was a major leader of American Education. His many innovations included a scientific curriculum and the ...
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Eliphalet Nott, for sixty-two years president of Union College, was born in Ashford, Conn., June 25, 1773. He received his early education at home under the ...
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Eliphalet Nott (June 25, 1773 - January 25, 1866), was a famed Presbyterian minister, inventor, educational pioneer, and long-term president of Union ...
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Sympathetic and reflective by nature, Eliphalet is said to have begun teaching at the "district school" and became "Principal Instructor" at Plainfield Academy ...
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Term: 1871-1884. Academic credentials: B.A., Union College. Eliphalet Nott Potter was born at Union College where his father served as a professor and de ...
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