NDIA OFFICE , 28TH MAY , 1876.- BIRM 1 MUSICAL FESTIVAL , INDIA In DIRMINGHAM TRIENNIAL Council , not fewer than four young men will be selected in November next , to be trained and educated for ... YORK and 30th , THURSDAY , AUGUST 31st ...
... MUSICAL September next . President , the Right Hon . the Earl of Dartmouth . GRAND CEREMONY and FESTIVAL on HOSPITAL ... York . Lecturer on Insanity at the York School of Medicine , and Conducted by Dr. TUKE , Visiting Medical ...
... in Boston ( Boston vitch , New York , Nov. 14 , 1916. Debut as Music Co. ) and London ( G. Schirmer , Ltd. ) ; composer , Krefeld Music Festival , June , 1902 ; 1902-3 ; publishes the Schirmer Library of Musical as cond . , Stuttgart ...
... York , N. Y. , as mail matter of the Second Class PLANS PERFECTED TO GIVE AMERICA by Mr. Hoxie , who. Eminent in ... Festival Song ' Book for Use in the Training Camps to Be Prepared - Great ... musical needs of each camp . This committee ...
... MUSICAL FESTIVAL . OCTOBER 25 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 1893 . Madame ALBANI in ' Samson , ' ' Hymn of Praise , ' ' Stabat Mater , ' and ' Messiah . ” Mr. EDWARD LLOYD in ' Faust , ' ' Hymn of Praise , ' ' Stabat Mater , ' Wagner Night , and ...
... York , 1915-7 ; concert work and oratorio . Mem . Mu Phi Epsilon Sorority , Musical Art Club , Boston , Lyric Club , Los Angeles , Musical Art Soc . ( choir ) , New York , Address : 414 West 121st St. , New York . RIPLEY , Elbert Norton ...
... York , June 15 , 1904. Former Ill . Presbyn . Author : A Study of Henry D ... Musical History , 1917 ; A Book of Antiphons , 1919 ; The Troubadours and ... Festival of Montclair , Sunday Eve . Club Choir , Orchestra Hall ...
... city in Hud- son County , New Jersey , situated between New York and Newark bays 6 miles southwest of New York . It ... musical festivals . For 14th century , and was suppressed in 1791 , but merly it was the residence of the margraves of ...
... festival performance was given . She leaves the Empire to - morrow for New York Miss Pauline Chase and Miss Hilda Trevelyan resumed their parts in Mr. Barrie's charming play at the Duke of York's last week IN THE FAR WEST . C.STARR ...
... York State Agricultural Society 1841-47 and to The Farm ( New York , 1858 ) ... musical instruction from his father , a violinist , and made a success- ful ... festival in the Seventh Regiment armory in 1882. He was conductor of ...