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Solaster from
... Solaster borealis .. 11 , 13 , 15 , 307 , 317 , 318 , 320 , 329 323 Solaster constellatus .. 9 , 311 344 , 362 , 370 , 371 Solaster dawsoni . 7 , 11 , 13 , 15 , 307 , 310 , 313,317 , 318 362 Solaster decemradiatus .... 6 , 311 362 Solaster ...
Solaster from
... Solaster constellatus .... 9 , 311 344 , 362 , 370 , 371 362 Solaster dawsoni . 7 , 11 , 13 , 15 , 307 , 310 , 313,317 , 318 Solaster decemradiatus . 6 , 311 362 Retaster gibber .. Retaster gracilis ... Retaster insignis .. 362 Solaster ...
Solaster from
Solaster constellatus 257 , 343 , 348 ; pls . 46 , 90 , 93 , 94 . Solaster dawsoni 249 , 339 , 342 , 348 ; pls . 46 , 90 , 91 , 92 . Solaster dawsoni arctica , new sub- species 252 , 253 , 347 ; pl . 87 . Solaster decemradiatus 254 ...
Solaster from
... Solaster galaxides 248 , 342 , 348 ; pls . Sporasterias varia 353 . Solaster paxillatus 258 , 339 , 343 , 347 steineni , Podasterias 351 , 361 , 372 . Solaster stimpsoni 250 , 254 , 339 , 348 ; Stelleridæ Spinulosæ 203 . Tosia ...
Solaster from
... Solaster endeca decemradiata Sladen 1889 ; Solaster intermedius Sluiter 1895 ; Solaster galaxides Verrill 1909 . Type locality : Norwegian Sea . Distribution : Circum- boreal ; Arctic Ocean ; in the North Atlantic to Great Brit- ain and ...
Solaster from
Solaster constellatus 257 , 343 , 348 ; Sporasterias hyadesi 354- Solaster galaxides 248 , 342 , 348 ; pls . Sporasterias varia 353 . Science. pls . 46 , 90 , 93 , 94 . Solaster dawsoni 249 , 339 , 342 , 348 ; pls . 46 , 90 , 91 , 92 .
Solaster from
solaster furcifer og solaster endeca . I Trondhjemsfjorden opnår de en størrelse , som overgår den , arten opnår ved Bergenskysten og som kan sidestilles med den , den har i de arktiske egne . Også i andre henseender danner ...
Solaster from
... Solaster ) ROBERT CHAMBERS AND BESSIE MOSSOP Presented by J. P. McMurrich , Ph.D. , F.R.S.C. ( Read May Meeting , 1918 ) During the first two weeks of August , 1917 , a number of adult Solaster endeca ( Forbes ) were obtained by ...
Solaster from
... Solaster . 1892. Solaster papposus , Bell , Brit . Mus . Cat . , pp . 89 , 90 . 1896-97 . 29 " " 1884 . Edinb . , p . 404 . " " Scott , F.B. Scot . Rept . , p . 161 . Pearcey , Proc . Roy . Phys . Soc . , Solaster papposus is a ...
Solaster from
... Solaster endeca ( Forbes ) were obtained by dredging over a rocky reef in the vicinity of Joe's Point near the Biological Station , St. Andrews , N.B. At this time mature Asterias forbesii ( Desor ) were to be had at St. Andrews . The ...