Solaster from
« Un nouveau programme de relevé visant plusieurs espèces d'invertébrés benthiques est en voie d'élaboration pour assurer le suivi quantitatif de l'abondance des stocks sur la côte de la Colombie-Britannique (C.
Solaster from
Vegetable Farm is a lighthearted reflection on how life in a vegetable garden changes when an unqualified orange potato is elected into a position of leadership.
Solaster from
... Solaster Forbes . 1. Solaster Forbes 2. Lophaster Verrill Disk large ; rays many , 7-15 , or even as many as 17. A single series of larger , marginal paxillæ , above which there may be a second series of distinctly smaller paxillæ . The ...
Solaster from
... Solaster abyssicola has been found on 45 ° 26 ′ N. , 25 ° 45 ′ W. , 3120 m . ( Michael Sars " ) , and may thus be expected to occur also in the deep water off Ireland . It is elsewhere known from off the N. American coast , in depths of ...
Solaster from
... Solaster endeca . Solaster endeca FORBES , 1839. Mem . Wern . Soe . Asterias endeca LIN . Pl . XVII . In Solaster endeca the arrangement and general structure of the am- bulaeral and interambulacral plates are identical with those of ...
Solaster from
... Solaster endeca . Solaster endeca FORBES , 1839. Mem . Wern . Soe . Asterias endeca LIN . Pl . XVII . In Solaster endeca the arrangement and general structure of the am- bulaeral and interambulacral plates are identical with those of ...
Solaster from
... Solaster papposa , as well as in both integument and ovaries of Cribella oculata . Qualitative investigations by ... ( Solaster ) papposa ( red ) , Porania pulvillus ( purple - red ) , Hippasteriaphrygiana , Luidia sarsii and ...
Solaster from
... Solaster . ( Solaster endeca FORBES . ) We find also among Star - fishes the same tendency to multiplication of parts so common among the Polyps and Acalephs . Our Solaster ( Solaster endeca / Forbes ) , for instance , has no less than ...
Solaster from
... Solaster and other star - fishes . They are however here of much slighter development , and separated from each other by a considerable interval ; on the interior side they form a horisontal fur- row for the circular ambulacral vessel ...
Solaster from
... Solaster and other star - fishes . They are however here of much slighter development , and separated from each other by a considerable interval ; on the interior side they form a horisontal fur- row for the circular ambulacral vessel ...