Solaster from
... Solaster Forbes . 1. Solaster Forbes 2. Lophaster Verrill Disk large ; rays many , 7-15 , or even as many as 17. A single series of larger , marginal paxillæ , above which there may be a second series of distinctly smaller paxillæ . The ...
Solaster from
... Solaster abyssicola has been found on 45 ° 26 ′ N. , 25 ° 45 ′ W. , 3120 m . ( Michael Sars " ) , and may thus be expected to occur also in the deep water off Ireland . It is elsewhere known from off the N. American coast , in depths of ...
Solaster from
... Solaster endeca . Solaster endeca FORBES , 1839. Mem . Wern . Soe . Asterias endeca LIN . Pl . XVII . In Solaster endeca the arrangement and general structure of the am- bulaeral and interambulacral plates are identical with those of ...
Solaster from
... Solaster endeca . Solaster endeca FORBES , 1839. Mem . Wern . Soe . Asterias endeca LIN . Pl . XVII . In Solaster endeca the arrangement and general structure of the am- bulaeral and interambulacral plates are identical with those of ...
Solaster from
... Solaster papposa , as well as in both integument and ovaries of Cribella oculata . Qualitative investigations by ... ( Solaster ) papposa ( red ) , Porania pulvillus ( purple - red ) , Hippasteriaphrygiana , Luidia sarsii and ...
Solaster from
... Solaster . ( Solaster endeca FORBES . ) We find also among Star - fishes the same tendency to multiplication of parts so common among the Polyps and Acalephs . Our Solaster ( Solaster endeca / Forbes ) , for instance , has no less than ...
Solaster from
... Solaster and other star - fishes . They are however here of much slighter development , and separated from each other by a considerable interval ; on the interior side they form a horisontal fur- row for the circular ambulacral vessel ...
Solaster from
... Solaster and other star - fishes . They are however here of much slighter development , and separated from each other by a considerable interval ; on the interior side they form a horisontal fur- row for the circular ambulacral vessel ...
Solaster from
... Solaster dawsoni, 188 Solaster endeca, 189 Solaster sp., 189 Solaster stimpsoni, 188 Solidobalanus engbergi, 119 Solidobalanus hesperius, 119 solitary ascidians, 210–214 Solitary pink mouth hydroid, 43 Southern staghorn bryozoan (White ...
Solaster from
... Solaster glacialis . 1.3 Bathyal - abyssal Arctic species : Kolga hyalina , Bathycrinus carpenteri , Tylaster willey , Ophiopyren striatum , Pourtalesia jefreysi . 2 Boreal - Arctic species occurring in the Arctic , North Atlantic and ...